ASSETS: 28 Characteristics of a Healthy and Effective Youth Ministry



Effective youth ministries are ones in which God is at work. There is no simple formula whereby we can guarantee that God will cause a youth ministry to be effective.

With this in mind, this book sets out to explore what it means, in practice, to lead a ministry in which Christ is the One who Leads. It examines how to put in place those elements or assets that best allow Him to lead the ministry.

The 28 Assets examined are grouped in seven categories as follows:

  1. Christ-Centred: Christ is central to the life and activities of the youth ministry.
  2. Intentional: The youth ministry maintains Biblical purposes and strategies in all it does. 
  3. Equipped: An intentional strategy for recruiting and developing leaders is present and working effectively.
  4. Integrated: The youth ministry operates as an integral part of the wider church.
  5. Relational: The youth ministry sees relationships as being vital to its mission and purposefully seeks to enhance these.
  6. Disciple-making: The youth ministry runs programmes that effectively disciple young people toward maturity in Christ.
  7. Organised: Systems and strategies are in place that contribute to the smooth and effective running of the youth ministry. 

For each asset there is a checklist plus questions for discussion, reflection and application.

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