Healthy and sustainable youth ministries don't just happen by accident. They have in common certain traits or assets that are instrumental in their effectiveness.

To help you assess the health and effectiveness of your youth ministry and then develop a strategic plan, we have a free booklet called "STRATEGY", which you can download below, that outlines the process for "self-consultancy".

Included in this process is a survey form (again, see below) that can be completed by interested parties such as youth leaders, church leaders/elders, parents/guardians and key young people.

To complete the process of developing a strategic plan we strongly recommend you purchase the book "ASSETS: 28 Characteristics of a Healthy and Effective Youth Ministry", available for NZ$20 through our store. It will give you much more information to draw on, especially as you begin to set goals and strategies. For each of the 28 characteristics, it will provide you with checklists, along with questions for discussion that will help you dig deeper.

If you prefer us to conduct the consultancy for you, offering experienced advice during the process the cost of youth ministry consultancy is NZ$100* per hour payable on completion of the consultancy. The process can be completed online via Skype or Zoom. If you desire face to face meetings as part of the youth ministry consultancy process, any associated costs (travel, accommodation) must be met by your church. (Expect the consultancy process to take three hours).

(*Prices are negotiable where cost is prohibitive and are exclusive of 15% GST.)


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